Replace your old brake pads with shiny new brake pads
Be careful not to touch the surface of the pad when placing the new pad on the holder base. I like to wear latex gloves for this step. Tightening the brake pads can be a little tricky, especially if you only touch the edges of the brake pads. Push the end all the way into the clip to ensure the pad is properly seated. Then wiggle them around to ensure a wide gap for the rotor in the next step.

Place the pad and bracket back on top of the rotor and reinsert the screws. Use screw lock (blue or red) to prevent the screw from loosening. Next, apply a slice of Quiet Paste to the back of the pad. This will help reduce noise later. Be careful not to place it on the stop plate or rotor surface. You want to keep these surfaces clean so you can actually stop your car.